Industries we operate in

RapidReach is used as a key communication tool for many different applications, to include Emergency Response, Business Continuity, Lone working, Operations Management, IT-helpdesks and First Aid events. 

Our customers operate in a wide range of industries such as Health Care, Banking & Financial Services, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas, Government, Shipping, Ports, Manufacturing, Nuclear, Aerospace and many more.

Health Care​

RapidReach is used in healthcare as follows:

During a Major Incident, such as COVID-19, it is crucial that all personnel involved are kept informed regarding the situation as the situation evolves. RapidReach is designed for emergency situations when reliable, clear and auditable alerting is required.

For more information contact us or sign up for a trial where you can test RapidReach.


Chemical / Gas & Oil

Respond to an emergency quickly and effectively with RapidReach. RapidReach helps you save lives, time, assets and money!

RapidReach allows you to:


Government​ and Military

RapidReach provides a secure, reliable and simple method for Government and Military alerts. RapidReach simplifies administration and allows you to quickly call in military units and emergency staff when the situation requires it.

With RapidReach you can

Benefits of using RapidReach


RapidReach provides a secure, reliable and simple alert system for Manufacturing purposes. RapidReach simplifies administration and allows you to quickly teams to problems in production or trigger product recalls. 

With RapidReach you can

Benefits of using RapidReach


RapidReach provides a secure, reliable and simple method for Transportation alerts. RapidReach simplifies administration and allows you to quickly call mobilise personnel and ensure an effective spread of information when the situation requires it.

With RapidReach you can

Benefits of using RapidReach

Banking & Financial Services

RapidReach is the ideal tool for all Business Continuity requirements. Simple and straightforward to use during an event, it enables you to resume normal business as quickly as possible.

RapidReach allows you to

Fire Services

RapidReach provides a secure, reliable and simple method for mobilising personnel. RapidReach simplifies administration and allows you to quickly call in specific teams and emergency staff when the situation requires it.

With RapidReach you can

Benefits of using RapidReach


RapidReach provides a secure, reliable and simple method for Telecommunication alerts. RapidReach simplifies administration and allows you to quickly mobilise personnel when the situation requires it.

With RapidReach you can

Benefits of using RapidReach

Public works

RapidReach provides a secure, reliable and simple method for Public works alerting. RapidReach simplifies administration and allows you to mobilise personnel and communicate  information when the situation requires it.

With RapidReach you can

Benefits of using RapidReach


Protect the public with RapidReach and gain control over your response. Call response teams, emergency work crews and transportation. Inform Political leaders about the status of a response, and inform the public about developing incidents and outages.

Dispatch response teams to respond to incidents

Snow and Ice

Public notification


RapidReach provides a secure and reliable alert system for educational establishments. RapidReach simplifies administration and allows you to quickly mobilise personnel and deliver information when the situation requires it.

With RapidReach you can

Benefits of using RapidReach

IT Helpdesk

Modern business operates without a pause. Just-in-time production, and an IT dependent world requires an instant response to system failures and a consistent organised response to outages, whether planned or unexpected. RapidReach can provide a common, consistent system for managing events across applications and platforms. Take a proactive approach to event management!

RapidReach Helpdesk and CRM allows you to

Modern business operates without a pause. Just-in-time production, and an IT dependent world requires an instant response to system failures and a consistent organized response to outages, whether planned or unexpected. RapidReach can provide a common, consistent system for managing events across applications and platforms. Take a proactive approach to event management!